For an INTRODUCTION to the content of these minihip pages SCROLL DOWN to the text below ...
then later check out these links...
Being young and active, I find a Total Hip solution >> TV interview April 2011 (click) ROCK CLIMBING & HIP REPLACEMENT
Corin newsletters' minihip patient stories at (click) CORIN NEWSLETTER PATIENT STORIES
Another site for my minihip patient story at (click) HIPSFORYOU.COM
For comments from others including some patient stories, peruse the Guestbook
For updates on my own continued rehab, read the entries in the BLOG
As of 2010 and 2011, I am a recipient of two Stryker/Corin Minihips -- as per Dr. Snyder of Newton-Wellesley Orthopedics Associates -- after many years or limited hip function from progressive osteo-arthritis, diagnosed as from Femoral Acetabular Impingment (FAI).
At the time of the surgeries, there was so little information available on this new prothesis that I decided to share publically my own story and experience by creating this website. I have had and I continue to have a most wonderful experience with these new hips.
For you that have arrived here to find out more about this prothesis and surgery procedure, I have given details in the linked pages of my own history of hip wear, how I was able to prolong the life of my failing hips, how I came to find the minihip and Dr. Snyder, what my surgery experience was like, details of the follow-up rehab, and a listing of what I found were good complimenting threrapies for the rehab stage. Since then I have been adding my ongoing experieces as well (see the ‘Blog’ link).
Through this website, I have received contact from many that are exploring this hip solution and/or other solutions like it, or who are recipients and have come to share their story (see the ‘Guestbook’ link). Most are appreciative of discovering my experience as there still is a predominant bias toward more traditional hip solutions that show less promise.
Through these contacts I have discovered there to be a variance in the rehab stories. My review shows my Right Hip rehab to be swift indeed, and I would not want to lead one into false hopes. Through review I see that my Left Hip rehab seems more typical. I have also seen some where the rehab extends longer. In all cases it seems that six months leads to full strength and full function, and often earlier. Yet I encourage all to dutifully continue their exercises for a full year after.
I believe that it is the nature of the Direct Anterior Approach (DAA) as used by Dr. Snyder that enables this swift rehab. I believe that it is the compact modular design of the Stryker/Corin minihip that allows the DAA to be so successful. These are only my opinions and these opinions are a result of my own research and my own experience.
I welcome comments from any and everyone and should you also be the recipient of a minihip of any form, I invite you to share your story in the Guestbook. Thanks for visiting.
Click the link in the right-side column of this page for details on the mini-hip, the surgery, and the rehab.